Our Story
Shantikan started with one peaceful warrior dreaming about how to bring the life changing gifts of yoga and martial arts to the world. Like all great ideas, it drew in the perfect people and became a force of its own, now helping people of all walks of life get fit, healthy, and rediscover their inner strength and peace. The word Shantikan is a blend of Shanti, which means "peace" in Sanskrit, and Kan, which means "house of" in Japanese. Shantikan is the house of peace and wellbeing. The name is a deep bow to Gichin Funakoshi, who founded Shotokan karate, and to all teachers and students of peace and wellbeing.
Lisa Mair
Co-Founder, CIO
The initial spark of Shantikan began with Lisa, a lover of yoga, martial arts, health, fitness, nutrition, and eastern wisdom. She is a 500 hour Kripalu Yoga Instructor, black belt in Shotokan karate, Nutritionist and Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach.
Aidan Regan
Co-Founder, CMO
Lisa approached Aidan, an entrepreneur, deep thinker, and recent business school grad to see if he was up for bringing this dream to the world. He applied all of his entrepreneurial skill and the rest is history
Matt Jane
The Modern Shaolin, Martial Arts Instructor
Aidan subsequently found Matt Jane, the most perfect martial artist for this movement. He is an amazing blend of martial arts, teacher, fitness, old soul, and fun! Visit his website at ShaolinLondon.com.
Lilly Caruso
Yoga Instructor
And then, Lisa reached out to Lilly, a teacher that she has immense respect for. Lilly's classes and teaching style are inspiring, peaceful, and appropriately challenging. Just perfect for Shantikan!
And finally, in a perfect loop, you found us. We're so happy you did and are dedicated to helping you increase your fitness, health, well-being, energy, peace, and joy!